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2003-03-04 - 8:33 p.m.

Happy Mardi Gras, world!

I'm planning on going out in a bit to throw back a few in rather sedate celebration of this day of debauchery. I had several things I wanted to write about, but my brain has gone blank. How pathetic.

I was just discussing with my roommate how I haven�t filled up my car�s gas tank in three weeks. This is astounding to me. In the LA area, I�d have to fill up at least once a week. In this city, I drive about two miles to get to the law office, and the library is three blocks from our apartment. I should be pleased with this low consumption: better for the environment and better on my pocketbook. It makes me feel unadventurous, though. I used to hop in my car and go exploring on a regular basis. I haven�t done anything like that in quite a while. A new goal, perhaps?

I must go drink now. Can�t let a Mardi Gras slip by uncelebrated!

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