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September 01, 2004 - 5:46 p.m.

The Thunder's Rumbling

As I sit here in my nice little house that Rob and I have been fixing up, I have the fear that by the end of the weekend it could all be gone. Hurricane Frances POSSIBLY threatens our area. We got renter's insurance today, and Rob went around with a video camera, documenting everything that we have, even the food in our refrigerator. In all likelyhood, the storm will miss us. We have plans, though, of loading up the car with all the stuff that is irreplacable and heading west to a motel with the cats in tow.

It's amazing to consider what stuff you want to take. Insurance will replace most things, but photos, papers, all my books... I'll never be able to remember all the books that I have. I love my books. I don't want them to be damaged. Old journals would definitely have to come. Certain items of clothing, things of value (of which there's not much)...

As much as I love weather events, I'm kinda hoping that this one misses us.

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