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September 11, 2004 - 11:41 p.m.

Hurricane Threat #3, and My Lack of Concern

For Charley, I went out and bought a rather expensive weather radio. For Frances, we planned ahead in case we had to evacuate and even bought renters insurance. For Ivan, I'm thinking how annoying it will be to have to drive to school in the rain, should the tropical storm reach us.

When I was in college, I didn't understand why my friend Christine, who grew up in Baton Rouge, found hurricanes to be utterly boring. Now I do. Rob has said that unless there's a category 5 direct hit on Savannah, he's not going anywhere. What's amazing about our attitudes is that we're playing the odds against nature, in all its unpredictable glory. A tornado did go through Savannah, courtesy of Tropical Storm Frances, but only a handful of houses were damaged and no one was even injured. If my final earthly vision is of a twister coming to carry me off, I'm going to be very irritated with myself.

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