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September 03, 2005 - 3:55 a.m.

Sweet Jesus, I hate Bill O'Reilly too!

I found a website that made me smile. I'd buy a t-shirt from them, but I think walking around in a shirt that says "Sweet Jesus, I hate Bill O'Reilly" might just get me shot here in South Georgia.

But damn. I hate Bill O'Reilly. Rob and I have been watching a lot of TV news coverage of Katrina. Last night, we were surfing when Bill's dumb mug came across the TV. I stopped to listen for a second, but he just made me mad. Rob wanted to hear what he had to say, so I reluctantly returned to Fox News. He was blaming the governor of Louisiana and the mayor of New Orleans for the situation in New Orleans. Then he started blaming the victims themselves. He said that if a category 5 hurricane is coming, it's up to them to get out of its way. That made me just start crying.

O'Reilly has a car. He probably has a plane. He has the capability of leaving. Many of these people did not even have the POSSIBILITY of evacuating. Are these people supposed to suffer in the awful ways that they have in the past week, seeing their loved ones literally ripped from them, in some cases? Seeing dead bodies floating by? Having no idea where friends and relatives are, or if they're even alive? Dealing with heat, hunger, and thirst for days on end with NO IDEA what's happening? The people waiting at the Superdome and at the Convention Center don't have access to Fox News to let them know that help is on the way. These people are poor. Does that mean they should be condemned to die in New Orleans without hope of getting out? That doesn't strike me as a very American attitude. Or perhaps it's all too American an attitude.

That's what I heard in Bill O'Reilly's comments. Yes, I believe people should be self-reliant. However, these are desperate times. There are thousands without homes and without hope. When you have no transportation except for your own two feet, sometimes without shoes, and all the roads in and out of your city seem flooded, what the fuck are you supposed to do? You wait for your government to help you because that's what we do in this country. When there's a disaster, the government comes to help. If Bill wants to get rid of FEMA because people should be self-reliant, which his comments seem to imply in my mind, then we should say goodbye to Los Angeles and San Francisco because a big earthquake will eventually hit. We should say goodbye to any community in middle America because tornadoes can hit. And screw everyone along any major river in this city, which includes a bunch of large cities. What about deadly blizzards in the north? Or scorching summer heat?

Bill O'Reilly is just a big bag of words that spew out of his head for shock value and without much thought. Fuck him and his bullshit. I will NEVER listen to another word that that man has to say.

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