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2003-03-07 - 6:12 p.m.

I can't believe Friday is here. It's been a beast of a week. Good things were fortunately mixed in with the frustration, but overall, I am a very tired girl this evening. My grand plan, as it is rainy, is to order in food and watch DVDs I've already seen a million times. I can't even muster the strength to get to the video store to rent something new.

One reason I'm so exhausted is that I stayed out way too late for a worknight last night. We went to a concert performed by some of our newly-acquired friends who are classical musicians by profession. I believe the program described it as a mix of post-modernism, avant garde and jazz with speeches, one act plays and performance art thrown in. That description makes it sound so pretentious, and at moments it was. There was a good dose of humor in there, however. That tempered the post-modern aspect of it. Afterwards, we went to the reception and then we hit the American Legion.

I just have to say that the American Legion is a great place. The Commander of the Legion and his wife have opened up a bar in the evenings. It has attracted a crowd mainly in their 20s and 30s, with a few anomalies here and there. Drinks are cheap, Thursday is ladies night where drinks are even cheaper, and the decor is wonderful. Oh, and it's the closest bar to our house that isn't too seedy.

I'm really fond of this musician crowd we found. In the past few weeks, we have found some great people to hang out with. They're all older and have significant others, which puts the pressure on me to find someone as to not feel like the awkward single girl. I'll try not to let that worry me now.

I think it's time to place that food order now. Mindless TV beckons me.

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