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2003-02-28 - 6:28 p.m.

I decided, after months of feeling like something was missing, that I need to write more, hence this diary. I am hoping that it will force me to actually write. Something about the potential for strangers to read it (although I'm skeptical anyone will find it!) is impetus for me to throw some words down in this little white box occasionally.

A bit about myself...

I'm in my mid-twenties. I grew up in Dallas, went to college in Southern California, and moved recently to a small Southern city. I can't seem to make it north of the 34th parallel. I had a small stint in the wine country of Northern California, but that was only for two months. The thought of living somewhere with snow scares me.

As the name of this diary might suggest, I want to be a librarian eventually. This requires more schooling (librarians generally have to have masters degrees, surprisingly), so I currently have the lowest ranked, yet still paid position in the local library. I am a page. I shelve books. I straighten shelves. I curse patrons who arbitrarily slide books onto random shelves.

As libraries don�t pay much, and pages are the low-of-the-low, I also work at a personal injury law office. He�s the kind of lawyer that advertises on TV, if that gives any indication of the soullessness of that job. It pays the bills, and I�m hoping it will provide for some interesting stories occasionally.

My idea for this journal is to capture the little things in my days that make me smile or frown with confusion. Basically, anything interesting. It remains to be seen how successful I am, as I haven�t written anything more than e-mails in a very long time.

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