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April 29, 2003 - 5:06 p.m.

I have 25 minutes before the work day ends, and I'm going to spend it writing a pointless entry just to take up some time.

Today has simply oozed along. Many people were gone from work, probably playing hooky. It was beautiful outside, and if I had been creative enough this morning, I probably would have followed suit. Instead I spent an hour in the bathtub this morning finishing The Twenty-Seventh City by Jonathan Franzen. That marked the 24th book that I've read this calendar year. Tonight I'll probably start East of Eden. For a while my goal was to be to read one book for each week in the year. At this rate, I'll exceed that by far. Perhaps I should consider picking up some other hobbies to balance myself out. There is this crochet project that I started in 2000...

It's one of those days when I want to go to the beach and drink margaritas at an open-air bar. I've already tried getting in touch with Inga, but she's being a good employee and working. Since I don't have to work at the library this evening, I'm feeling reckless.

I guess that's all for right now. The clock has practically stopped moving. I HATE days when I've lost all my motivation. Blah.

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