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May 04, 2003 - 3:55 p.m.

I feel compelled to write something, but I'm not very creative at the moment. Since Thursday night I've been in a weird state, either exhausted or exceedingly social. I met Inga at the restaurant, and we wandered over to a nearby bar where a reggae band was setting up. We ended up staying there until last call, and things got a little silly. In a move very out of character for me, I hooked up with some random army guy while dancing. It was a weird situation for several reasons. All he was to me was some random guy who danced with me and started kissing me. I didn't know shit about him, and when he suggested going home together, I literally laughed at him. Why on earth should I take some guy home with me when I don't even know his last name? I realize people do this all the time, but it's just not my type of behavior. When I think back on it now, he evokes no sort of emotion within me.

I was going to continue with a rote description of the weekend, but my daddy just called, and I think I'd rather talk to him.

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