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July 12, 2003 - 12:34 a.m.

Online Grammar - My pet peeve

I'm fading fast tonight, as I'm still recovering from an unpleasant illness. Instead of enjoying a few beers this evening, I was drinking ginger ale. How dull. I did, however, want to make a few observations.

I've spent most of the past hour reading a few diaries of people who claim Plano, Texas as their home. (I went to high school in fair Plano.) Of the 4 that I read, they were all much younger than me. I must say, they were a nice change from the pretentious "I am a WRITER" attitude that is often found on Diaryland. The biggest reason why I won't be reading too many adolescent diaries, however? I hate screen abbreviations like "lol" and the blatant lack of capitalization and punctuation.

I do not claim to have 100% perfect grammar or spelling. I think I must have had a Grammar Nazi in my past, though, because I abhor the shortcuts that seem so fashionable now. I still put two spaces after every period, for heaven's sake! Call me old-fashioned, I suppose.

I was going to rant about grammar or reminisce about high school, but I no longer have the energy to do so. I'll save those subjects for another day.

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