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August 30, 2003 - 12:06 p.m.

Happy Labor Day Weekend!

Yay for long weekends. I need the extra day to recoup lost sleep from drinking too much in celebration of the long weekend. Aren't vicious circles grand? Inga's ex is visiting us this weekend, so we're playing hostess. It's a tiring proposition, but it's good to see him. He'll be spending a year in Japan teaching English, so it's going to be harder to stay in touch with him.

Next weekend I'm going to get to see my best friend from college who's difficult to stay in touch with because she lives in France. She's visiting her family in Louisiana, and they're heading down to Santa Rosa Island, FL for a week. I'm going to meet them there. I haven't seen her in two years and rarely email her. The one time we've spoken on the phone, we got cut off right after I had told her everything that I was up to. I still don't really know what she's been doing in the past two years. It's weird to know so little about someone you roomed with for four years.

That's it for now. I must feed myself some grease so I can prepare for further drinking this afternoon. Yay alcoholic stupor!

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