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September 29, 2003 - 2:57 p.m.

The Art of Procrastination

I'm in the computer lab at school right now where I should be typing a couple English papers. I don't want to. I have to. They're due tomorrow. I want to spend tonight with Rob, not worrying about English papers. Instead, I'm procrastinating. I suck.

He was out of town Saturday night. While I was pacing our terrace with my cell phone glued to my ear yesterday afternoon, he drove up. I melted. Then I had to explain to my father with Rob standing there that I now have a boyfriend, and he might be coming to Dallas for Thanksgiving. I've never brought anyone home before. Daddy said it would be a good test, Thanksgiving at the Krumrich's. Christmas I'll make sure he's there with me. Thanksgiving may or may not work. Why am I so certain that we'll still be together come Christmas and that he's worth taking home? What happened to the girl who was convinced she was independent and could go through life relying on no one?

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