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October 05, 2003 - 4:30 p.m.

Boring Happy Person

If I wasn't already boring enough with my un-edgy mid-twenties angst, now that I'm actually happy, I can't seem to find things to write about. Yesterday was Rob's birthday, and I got to meet his friends. I think they liked me. Honestly, I only care that he likes me. He basically asked me to move in with him, or at least spend all my time here. I can easily see myself doing that. Poor Inga. She may just be losing a roommate.

I can't even manage a second paragraph. Oh well, I've never been this happy, so a lack of creativity is okay for the moment. Now I understand why artists are often miserable, not that I claim to be an artist. I'm just an exceptionally boring happy person right now, and that's something I can live with.

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