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October 08, 2003 - 2:53 p.m.

When Weird Things Seem Normal

Rob officially asked me to move in with him last night. I didn't think it was a weird step at the time. My friend Gretchen told me that she and her husband moved in together after 3 months. I'm not moving in with him because I have an arrangement with Inga. This is a very good thing. If I didn't have her around, I'd move in tomorrow. I am in love with Rob, but there's no need for a frantic rush. I'm going to end up spending all my time there, anyway, I expect.

We also talked about how he's going to get to Dallas for Thanksgiving. I'm really going to have to work on his attitudes about money. He feels like he should be able to support me, but I don't need nor really want his financial support. He's the one with the fledgling business, and if anything, I should help him when possible. He's not very receptive to that either. I tried to emphasize that this if we're building a life together (and that seems to be where this is heading), we need to be equal partners. There are some areas where I will dominate and others where he will, but in general we should be on equal footing.

After all that discussion, we decided that I get a shelf in the bathroom, a shelf in the bedroom, and a drawer in the dresser. That's all I need for now. We'll work towards more once we get beyond our 1 month anniversary.

I think I might just be insane. Or just in love. What's really the difference?

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