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October 11, 2003 - 11:57 a.m.

I Used to Hate Clingers

I used to think it was disgusting when a couple couldn't spend any time apart. What ever happened to each one's own self identity, for god's sake? Did they have to spend every waking moment with each other? Doesn't familiarity breed contempt?

I'm singing a different tune now. Rob has been out of town since Wednesday. At first it was great to catch up with Inga and just hang out. Last night, though, when plans to see Kill Bill fell through, I started really missing Rob. We were across the street watching the Cubs game, drinking beers and hanging out with a bunch of friends. I should have been happy. I wasn't. He was certainly asleep because he had to get up early this morning, so I had to be satisfied with sending him an email.

He said he's coming back early, arriving in the middle of the night on Sunday. I'm totally going to meet him, regardless of what time he gets in. I'm exactly what I used to scorn.

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