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October 12, 2003 - 2:38 p.m.

Picnic in the Park

Inga and I are madly preparing for the Picnic in the Park event this evening. The former symphony is playing in Forsyth Park, and there's a picnic competition. Inga and a coworker hatched this plan for a Mad Scientist themed picnic. I'm the support staff, chopping vegetables and making sausage balls. It's been a blast so far. There's going to be a bean dip volcano, a crudite platter in the pattern of the earth's cross section, molecular models made from sausage and melon balls, a lentil salad terrarium, and some sort of Frankenstein fried chicken setup. It's going to be grand. There's a chance we might win. I'll keep everyone updated, as I'm sure you're fascinated.

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