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October 13, 2003 - 10:05 a.m.

Victory, Of Sorts

We ended up getting honorable mention in the category of Most Creative Picnic. This is actually a grand accomplishment because it was the first year we entered, and the winners did an Alice in Wonderland theme, complete with the dining room table and antique purple couches. They transported half a house into the middle of Forsyth Park.

That's all I really have to say about the thing. It was a really pleasant evening - good food, lots of beer, and wonderful friends. As Inga and I just celebrated our 1 year anniversary in Savannah, I'm more aware of how lucky we are to have such wonderful friends. Lots of them were there last night, and it was great.

Now I have to shift gears and study for my math test while figuring out what to make Rob for dinner tonight. He's finally coming home. I'm thrilled.

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