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November 18, 2003 - 6:41 p.m.

Free Time

I have a few minutes to write because Inga is picking up her boyfriend, and although I'm at my own apartment for the first time in a while, I don't really know what to do. Today is Inga's birthday proper, so we're going to go out to dinner and get a few drinks afterwards. Every time I leave Rob, though, he makes me feel like I'm abandoning him. It's sweet that he wants to spend time with me, and I do miss him when I'm not with him, but I have friends that occasionally have to take precedence. It would be easier if he were in a good frame of mind right now.

Blah. This is boring. Here's a story instead.

Once upon a time, there was a mouse who lived in the walls of an old house. Although this mouse often minded its own business, the humans who also inhabited the place would invade the mouse's space with nasty things like traps and little blue blocks of poison. Fortunately, this was a smart mouse who stayed away from such nasty things.

He was miffed that they were trying to kill him, so he decided to retaliate. This little mouse mounted a guerilla war while the humans were sleeping, stringing obstacles at mouse height all over the living room. Unfortunately, mouse height is only about half an inch. The humans didn't topple to the floor like the mouse intended. The mouse was still miffed and perhaps getting even angrier.

The second attempt to do away with the humans came in the form of weakening the beams of the house with his little mouse teeth. As his little mouse teeth weren't very effective in gnawing through the house's support system, it gave him time to realize that a) it was a futile effort and b) if he destroyed the house, he'd have no good place to live. As already mentioned, this was a very smart mouse.

His final attempt was biological warfare. He pooped in all the human food he could find. The humans got rather sick, but they still didn't leave. Their booby traps became more numerous.

The mouse lost all hope of getting rid of the humans. He curled up with his copy of No Exit by Jean Paul Sartre and pondered the meaninglessness of life.


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