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November 17, 2003 - 9:13 p.m.

Busy and Slacking

I've been very lazy about updating recently. Not too many excuses for it. I was the bitch from hell last week due to PMS, then I got my new laptop and spent a lot of time playing with it. Then there was a 6 page paper to write in one night. I also had Inga's surprise bowling birthday party to plan and execute. Perhaps I have been a bit busy.

Thanksgiving's imminent approach is very exciting for me. I'm taking Rob home to meet the family. It's going to be interesting. Sorry if I've covered this already, but I've never taken a boy home to meet the family. They don't really know about any of my other relationships with guys. The news that I had a serious boyfriend was shocking enough, and now that I'm bringing him home, I don't think they know what to think. The immediate family is no problem, but the extended family is a bit of a concern. Almost as a whole, they're very intelligent, witty and intimidating. I'm expecting some good stories from it.

In other news, I registered for the spring semester today. 4 English classes and physics for nonmajors. It's going to be a tough semester, but I need to get my damned bachelors degree before I turn 30!

That's all for now.

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