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November 10, 2003 - 9:01 a.m.

Hormones Askew

I'm starting to understand why women were sent off to the woods during their periods in certain cultures. It was safer for the men if the hormonally-challenged women were moping in the forest than making their lives difficult.

Before this boyfriend, I could always just avoid people during PMS. I don't have awful symptoms, but I do get rather irritable, which makes me feel like a different person. Saturday was the worst. We had two parties to go to, and all I could think was I wanted to stay home by myself. He wasn't helping, since after being warned of my foul mood, he still kept pestering me. By the time we made it to the second party, I was fuming. Thank goodness it was full of my friends, so I just left him for a while until I calmed down.

Yesterday was a slightly different reaction. I started second-guessing, through tears, why I'm with him. It's not the sort of thing I like to do in the midst of PMS symptoms because (and I hate to admit this, as it's a curse upon my gender) I don't feel very rational. I think some of the concerns that I had yesterday deserve a closer look when I'm certain my head is on a little straighter.

Being a woman really sucks sometimes.

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