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November 03, 2003 - 7:52 a.m.


I've suddenly turned into the person who cannot stay in bed longer than 7 hours. It's almost like clockwork. 7 1/2 hours after I go to bed, I wake up and can't stay in bed any longer. (I'm assuming a half hour to go to sleep.) I woke up right before 7 this morning. That's great, a nice normal time. The problems? I don't have anything to do until 1:30 today, so I might as well sleep in, and there's a boy that I could be in bed with, but he's too boring when he's asleep. Soon, I'm expecting to hear a pathetic call from the bedroom. "Babe? Where are you?" He freaked out on me when we were in Aiken. I had hit my 7 hour point, and I could no longer sleep. I had gone to the bathroom twice, gone to my car to get books, and ensconced myself in the tub with a pillow and poetry before he woke up, freaked out, and was convinced I had left him in the middle of the night. I will give him the benefit of the doubt that his brain was addled by sleep. He's been much better about it recently.

Life might not be perfect, but it'd be pretty cool if couples had exactly the same sleeping habits. Oh well. Let me now ponder how else life would be better, what with all these free hours that I should be sleeping!

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