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November 01, 2003 - 11:49 a.m.

Post Halloween Hangover

Good lord. I haven't gotten sloppy drunk in a while, it seems. It's probably been more recently than I realize. My head is certainly complaining right now.

Last night a big group of us went to the American Legion's Halloween party. It was great fun. A good mix of young and old, prizes given out, lots of cheap drinks...yep, a good time was had by all.

Somehow I managed to stumble home with Inga and her boyfriend. My boyfriend was already at home in bed because he's a wonderful person. To explain, last night wasn't really his scene. He put up with it because it made me happy. When he had to go home because of work this morning, he didn't insist that I come with him. In fact, he encouraged me to stay out and enjoy myself. He gets a major gold star because of that.

Oh, yeah. Costumes. Rob and I did a couple costume. I was a mouse, and he was a mousetrap. Inga was a black widow spider, a costume that won her a $50 third place prize. Our friend Bill went as a Pirate of the Carribbean Cruise, pirate garb on his head then tourist garb on his body. Timmy went as a Hell's Angel, biker with black wings. Brooke and Jason were the Prize Patrol - she was in curlers and a bathrobe, he was Ed McMahon. Gretchen and John were the Communist Party - they took white t-shirts, taped noisemakers to it and a Soviet flag. Michelle and Jeremy were a boxer and Don King, respectively. I loved how creative people were. I wish there were more opportunites to dress up.

Okay, I'm going to go back to bed for a while. I think my head needs it.

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