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October 24, 2003 - 11:00 p.m.

Being In Love

Lots of people fall in love. Many people fall in love several times. Why does it seem so unique when it happens? Tonight Rob and I got dressed up, went out to dinner, then went to this party of steeplechase people. The whole time, I kept thinking about how much I love him. In the past week, I've left my headlights on, running down the battery, and locked my keys in my car. I'm so damned distracted by him.

I know this phase will pass and things will become routine. While this phase is happening, though, I'm the most self-centered person. All I want to do is tell everyone how happy I am and how lucky I am. No one really wants to hear it, certainly not repeatedly. I was always supportive of friends when they started relationships and put up with the sappy talk for a while. There comes a point when it is just gross, and I've hit that point. I'm everything I hate. Perhaps now, though, I'll be more tolerant of others when they are as disgustingly lovey-dovey as I am right now.

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