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October 24, 2003 - 10:28 a.m.

Horse Day!

I really should be getting my stuff together to go to Aiken, but instead I'm lounging around with my hair wrapped in a towel. I was supposed to be at work this morning, but I decided to call in sick. Work can kiss my ass. I'd much rather leave earlier and go outlet mall shopping. Yay for outlet malls!

Exciting news with our friends in Artillery Punch. They've been working with Richard Leo Johnson, an innovative guitarist. He's got them a few gigs in New York City in December. They've been working on a demo to send to his record label. Things are coming together where it seems like they might actually make some money on this. I really hope it works out for them. Check out their website's MP3s! They're a cool band! Spread the news! Okay, that's my daily plug for them.

Rob and I had another money talk yesterday, ironically as I was walking around a mall, being THAT GIRL on the cell phone. He's very nervous about his finances right now, and I'm doing more than okay with money. I want to be able to do things with him that he can't afford, but I didn't want to offend him by outright paying for him. He's got this thing about wanting to take care of me. It's so sweet, but it's very 1950s. For a 29 year old, he's got some pretty old fashioned ideas. That's part of why I love him, but the patriarchal shit needs to change.

I guess I'd better get going. Happy weekend, all!

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