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October 22, 2003 - 8:34 a.m.

Sex Homework

I've never been very comfortable with sex in almost any aspect. Only recently have I been able to even talk about it with my girlfriends. Nice girls don't talk about it, and they certainly don't do anything but the plain vanilla, right? Well, Rob is trying to change that about me. He asked me to write a one-page fantasy. It's a good idea, but damn! I don't know what to do! This may be harder than my schoolwork.

Speaking of schoolwork, we had our first little tiff last night over how he doesn't really support my going to school. He doesn't believe that a degree is necessary. He feels that you can learn everything you need to know on your own. In his field, I agree. Librarians without masters degrees will not be hired by anyone, however. I have to get a masters degree if I want to be a librarian. He doesn't understand why I want to be a librarian. This is going to be a recurring problem in our relationship, I think. He wants someone who will help him with his business. I could be that person, as I've worked in the corporate world before. I just don't know if I want to do that.

He's also stressing about money right now, which is awkward because I could help him financially, at least to do the things I want him to do with me, like come home to Christmas with me. He's too proud to accept my help, and he wouldn't accept it as a gift, it would have to be a loan.

I don't know why I'm dwelling so much on the negative right now. Probably because he was, and he's out of town right now, so that's the last tone I heard. I can't put up with someone that gets moody frequently. Occasionally is no problem. Frequently, and we're going to have to have a talk. Isn't that awful? I hate trying to change things about people because it usually doesn't work. Ugh. I'm worrying about things that haven't even happened yet. I'm sounding like him.

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