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October 21, 2003 - 5:51 p.m.

Half Asleep Entry

I just awoke from a fitful nap, and my cognitive funcitons are not all raring to go yet. I don't know why I'm using this opportunity to write in my diary. Oh yeah, it's because I spend almost all my time either at school or with my boyfriend, and I don't have moments like this often to write some crap.

There's a bit of news from the past week to regale the world with (or my three readers - hello readers, whoever you are!) In a fit of slightly unreasonable irritation, I put in my two week notice at the library last Tuesday. This means one more week to go. I couldn't put up with their unflexible schedule anymore. It was workable when I had schoolwork and the occiasional night of drinking to fit in with my schedule. Now I've got weekend trips and nights of cuddling to weasle into my schoolwork schedule, and the library just had to go.

Seriously, though, the point of moving here was to experience the area. Inga and I went up to Helen, Georgia this past weekend for Oktoberfest. It was more Octoberfest sponsered by Bud Lite, but we did have a good time. On Saturday, all told, we consumed around 180 ounces of beer each. Oh yes. It was as gross as it sounds, but it was fun at the time.

This weekend Rob is taking me to Aiken to see the steeplechase there. I'm not going to stay at home just to work some dumb job where I have no advancement and I only get paid $6.32 an hour instead! Dammit! I'd much rather hang out with strangers among horse shit anyday.

On the boyfriend front, things are going very well. He's just wonderful. There's much more I'd like to say about him, but I need to somehow wake myself up so that I can go see him instead. He's leaving for Aiken tomorrow, so I'll probably be able to get something more written here. We'll see.

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