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December 02, 2003 - 5:46 p.m.

Dreams Within Midafternoon Naps

My brain is still addled. I just woke up from a midafternoon nap where I had vivid dreams. The one that has me still muddled was the one right before waking. I was performing the cello at my elementary school when someone came in and said my roommate was coming to pick up my car becuase she needed what was in the trunk. I decided to go out and catch her, only to find a man who looked remarkably like Wilford Brimley in the car with his granddaughter Kathleen. As the window was open, I was able to approach the car and ask him just what the hell he thought he was doing. He said the cops couldn't ID the car because it was actually a Chevy body underneath rather than a Honda. They let him take it. I got mad and slapped him. He said "that was a mistake, missy." He drove off with me helplessly standing in the parking lot. I went back inside the school where everyone was shocked by my story.

Why do I even bother relating this? I like to write down dreams that somewhat disturbed me, foremost. Secondly, why was Wilford Brimley stealing from me? I haven't even seen him on TV recently! Now I'm concerned I've offended the oatmeal man (didn't he do ads for Quaker Oats?) And what's up with my Honda actually being a repainted Chevy? I knew the body shop people I took my car to in 1999 turned out to be scammers, but honestly! A totally different car? Too much work, even for shysters.

Okay. I've now convinced myself that this dream will not come true. As dumb as that sounds, the particularly vivid dreams appear real to me until I work through them. And this one is definitely worked.


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