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December 04, 2003 - 11:11 a.m.

One Down, Several to Go

I have officially finished my first class today. I just took the final module test, so my ethics class is done. I forgot what a wonderful feeling it is to finish a class for the semester, especially when you're pretty sure you'll get a good grade. So far I have 100 and 98, each being 25% of my grade. I don't think I bombed the other two parts, so hopefully I'll walk out of there with an A.

Now I have almost two hours to kill before finishing my second class. I brought lunch, although I feel slighly queasy and in no mood to eat. I have a short story to read, but I don't feel like doing it. All I want to do is go back to bed. It's cloudy out, and bed sounds like the best place in the world to be right now.

Once today is done, classes for the fall semester are done. Hooray! I get to go home and decorate the Christmas tree (such as it is, being fake and 3 feet tall), wrap some presents, make some more Christmas cards... Oh yeah. I love Christmas, and for at least today, I'm going to enjoy it. Exams aren't until next week, so screw studying today.

Besides making me giddy, the end of the semester can also make me surly.

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