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September 24, 2004 - 9:48 p.m.

The Beauty of Diaryland

Many thanks to kidspinkcat today for her concern about my wellbeing in this season of insane hurricanes. That's why Diaryland can be so amazing, that there's someone out there who pays attention to what I write! Thanks again - it made me feel special, and who can deny enjoying that?

It's very strange. I have quickly become jaded about hurricanes now, just at the point where we'll probably be affected by Jeanne. Current predictions show the deadly Jeanne showing up in Savannah as a tropical storm starting late Sunday. Tropical storms don't worry me much, although it's still possible that it will turn north earlier and be stronger when it hits us. Another possibility is it will hit further north and not affect us at all, although NOAA deems that unlikely. I've got a bottle of wine, a few battery-powered lanters, and lots of reading for school to keep me entertained if we lose power. For a funny account of how others weather storms, see Uncle Bob's encounter with Ivan.

The only weird thing about all of this is that my family is coming into town next weekend. My birthday is Thursday, and Rob's is the following Monday. To celebrate, we're having a party at our house on Saturday, and much to my surprise, my father, stepmother and two stepsisters will all be arriving on Friday. I don't think that Jeanne will hinder their arrival, but there could be some cleanup still happening, depending on the strength. It's going to be an interesting week.

I'm off to iron curtains now. What better way to spend a Friday night? Actually Rob and I just went out to Tybee to have dinner and see if the surf was a bit higher. It reminded me of last year when Inga and I did the same thing when Hurricane Isabel was churning somewhere off the Georgia coast. Good memories. I've been having a lot of those recently, but I'll just have to save it for another entry. I apologize for being a spotty writer, too. With school and this party, my brain has no inspiration left for my journal.

Good evening, all!

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