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September 30, 2004 - 9:17 a.m.

Another Year Has Passed

I was in the middle of an entry here when I got an email. I checked that email, and it was a birthday ecard from my friend Nick. When I clicked on the card, though, it erased everything that was here.

I guess I'll hit the highlights, as I'm supposed to be studying for a test right now.

1. Yes, today is my birthday. The big 26. Still solidly in my mid-twenties, but not for too much longer.

2. Hurricane Jeanne didn't end up affecting our area much at all. But I did get a day off from school for it! Other areas of the country have snow days, and we have hurricane days. It gave me more time to work on a paper assignment!

3. I've been quite busy running around town getting supplies for the party on Saturday. I'm looking forward to it, but it's been more last-minute work than I expected. I just can't bring myself to throw a crappy party - it goes against my entertaining credo.

4. Birthdays make me think of my mother and shed a few tears for her absence, as well as remember all the good birthdays I had with her.

4. It's a foggy morning here, and there are two lizards sitting on my window screen.

And with that, I bid you adieu!

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