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2003-03-22 - 6:25 p.m.

I was a beautiful day here. I managed to get a slight sunburn from sitting in the park for a few hours. It's already starting to hurt a bit. That's the price of enjoying the first day of true spring weather while having sunscreen amnesia after the long, chilly months of winter. I think we're going to the beach tomorrow, so I'll be smarter then and wear sunscreen.

Let's see, there's not too much to talk about. It was a run-of-the-mill night at a bar last night, spiced up only by a pointless argument about if we should be at war right now. I really should not get into those discussions, as it only makes me testy.

I think I'm going to cook myself some dinner now. There's a few fillets of red snapper waiting for something exciting to happen to them.

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