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2003-03-23 - 1:19 p.m.

I stayed out way too late last night. That's the problem with a town whose bars don't close until 3:00 AM. I drove two friends to their apartment then came in for beer and some cable watching. Finally I made it back to the apartment around 4:00. It was a little silly.

Today we were going to go to the beach, but it's cloudy. Yesterday, nary a cloud in the sky; today, gloomy and gray. Figures. My roommate and her boyfriend (?) went to a state park without me. I'm a little bitter, but at the same time, they are a bit exclusionary when they're together. It's still early in the relationship, and I understand those tendencies. I just need to limit my time around them. If they want to be alone, I won't hamper that. (She's going to read this at some point, I bet. Note to her: I'm just envious. Don't worry about it, I'll get over it.)

Now I have a day to do something with. The question becomes what. Perhaps I'll see what sort of special events are happening this afternoon.

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