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2003-03-23 - 7:21 p.m.

I was just trying to get some different perspectives on the war through the wonders of the internet. I was at the BBC website, and they had a link to Al Jazeera's website. Although it's all in Arabic, I managed to locate the photographs related to the war. This was not a good idea. Three or four photos in, I couldn't figure out what I was looking at. There was a crumpled red rug at the bottom and something that could have been a jacket tossed on top of it. I was going to pass it by, but I stopped and gave it a closer look. It was a woman, not a jacket, on the carpet. Her skin was gray. She was dead. My stomach clenched in horror. I'm still shaken. Recommendation to the faint-hearted: Avoid Al Jazeera's photos. It's a more complete look at what's happening in this war, but I'm not capable of seeing such reality.

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