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2003-03-21 - 1:11 a.m.

I just got off the phone with Desiree, a California friend. She passed along the news that our friend Matt is enlisting, getting trained in journalism, and will be going off to the Middle East soon. I don't know what to think. He had been in the National Guard reserves for a while, but I thought he had dropped that. I just sent him an email, hoping to get more information.

This makes the war even more surreal.

I also found out that two friends of ours who started dating after I left California are planning on living together in LA after the younger graduates from college. I got to see this couple together when I went back to LA to visit. What I saw was, at first, okay. The longer I was with them, the more disgusted I got. The girl has never treated any of her boyfriends well, and now that she's dating a friend of mine and still behaving that way, I'm appalled. I've lost a lot of respect for him since he puts up with that crap. To hear that the relationship will be prolonged makes me ill.

That's all the news from California worth commenting on.

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