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2003-03-20 - 7:05 p.m.

What a strange day.

We're at war. This hasn't really sunk in yet, probably because my news sources are the internet and NPR. The television coverage makes it seem more real. I certainly noticed that with the September 11th reporting. I feel a great sadness about this turn of events. I figured it was inevitable, but I do admire all my friends who protested the war. I wonder if they've given up hope yet, as I have.

I have a cousin who is in the Special Forces. I was really afraid for him in Afghanistan. Now, however, the family has no idea where he is. I should probably be terrified, but again, it doesn't seem real that he could be skulking the streets of Bagdhad right now.

On the homefront, it was a beautiful day here. We had two bands of thunderstorms move through with sunshine after each. I happened to be leaving the law office and running errands during the first sunny moment. I found a produce store and a fish market that hold great potential. In fact, I need to go check out Epicurious to see what I can do with red snapper, string beans and fresh tomatoes. I think I'll do that now, actually!

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