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2003-03-19 - 11:29 a.m.

Do you ever wake up knowing it�s going to be a bad day? Today was definitely one of those mornings. I woke up to NPR telling me that we�re going to war with Iraq, for all intents and purposes. They mentioned something about the major strategy being the use the Special Forces. My cousin is a member of the Special Forces. I know he loves what he does, but I don�t like the idea of him being in harm�s way.

It feels like I�m teetering on the edge of disaster for some reason. I�m anticipating news of some sort of family tragedy at any moment. There is no logical basis for this, but it doesn�t hamper my anxiety.

I�m very hungry at the moment, which probably isn�t helping my mood. And I have to work 12 hours today, law office and library combined. This also doesn�t make me very cheery. I still want to finish my recollections of St. Patrick�s Day, but who knows when I�ll have an inspired moment in proximity to a computer. There�s nothing inspirational about where I spend most of my days, and by the time I get home, I�m usually brain-dead. I need a better job.

I�m just little Mary Sunshine today.

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