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2003-03-18 - 1:01 p.m.

I'm back at the law office after a lovely 4 day weekend. I worked Friday through Sunday at the library, but that's hardly work. I called in with "car trouble" to the library last night because it was St. Patrick's Day, and I was celebrating like a good 8th generation Irish American should.

I dragged myself out of bed at 9:30 am yesterday morning to go watch the parade. I wasn't feeling too well from the excesses of the night before. And it was raining. A lot. My roommate, her new fling Mike, and I went to one of Mike's friends houses for a St. Patty's Day breakfast of ham, biscuits, and green grits. Then we tramped block after block through the rain to a store where another of Mike's friends was watching the parade. I was cold, wet, and very grumpy at this point, but the parade cheered me up. It was full of local color, but they also had the state's governor, visiting bag pipe groups from various police and fire stations across the country, and even some Irish military. I got teary a few times from missing my father since I know he enjoys parades so much and would have loved this one.

There's much more to write about, but as I'm at work right now, I'd better go back to working.

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