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2003-04-15 - 9:44 p.m.

Well, I've been bad about writing this week. I apologize (mostly to myself, I guess, since no one reads my page!)

Let's see. I left off with Inga and me heading to downtown on foot to get really drunk in celebration of her test being over and surviving 6 months in a new city with no friends. We succeeded admirably, and we even had the chance to hang out with people I would legitimately call friends. We also checked out the touristy part of town where we began our adventure here. It was the first time that I had seen it in daylight since then. It's cheesy as all get-out, but it's fun in small doses. It's right on the river, and it's got an interesting mix of nature, industry and hotel glitz all packed together. Oh, and redneck tourists. They're fun.

Sunday I spent recouperating. Poor Inga had to go to Beaufort to hang out with the aunt and uncle we had dinner with last weekend plus her cousins and their kids. She looked a bit worse for wear as she left, but she made it safely there and back.

By the time she got back, I was ensconced at the bar in a gay club. I was meeting the friends we had seen Saturday night for an evening of Six Feet Under and Queer as Folk. What better place to watch those two amazing shows than at a gay bar? But it gets even better. After the TV shows were over, we got to go upstairs and watch a drag show. It was the first drag show I'd ever seen, but I've been slightly obsessed with drag since I saw The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. I had the stupidest grin on my face throughout the whole thing. And some of the drag queens were stunning. I doubt I'll hit up the drag show every Sunday, but I'll definitely be there for TV!

Unfortunately, that concludes the interesting information. Another week started, I filed for an extension on my taxes, I spent a lot of money at the evil Walmart. I can't wait until I'm making enough money where I can afford to patronize smaller, local stores. Oh well. Someday my ship will come, or whatever the phrase is.

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