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2003-04-12 - 6:12 p.m.

The sun has returned! It's been cold and rainy all week, and today is sunny, warm and perfect. I had to work at the library during prime afternoon sun time, but it's still beautiful now, so my roommate and I are going to walk to downtown and start drinking early. She took the biology GREs this morning, so she's in the mood to celebrate. I'm more than willing to go along. The walk will allow us to enjoy the day and also prevent us from any stupid driving stunts this evening.

I've been thinking recently how cumbersome typing "my roommate" is, so I'm going to call her Inga from now on. She'll probably hate this once she gets around to reading these entries, but it's similar to her middle name, and it's my diary, anyway.

Oh, yes. Yesterday was a milestone for Inga and me. We have been in our apartment in this new city for 6 months as of yesterday. Half a year. Our California friends thought we wouldn't last this long, but we're going strong.

I have to go make my hair look cute now. Yay for Saturday night!

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