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2003-04-11 - 8:09 p.m.

I had a moment at the library this afternoon that thrilled me. I was shelving fiction books when a young girl came up to me for help. As I'm a lowly page, I'm supposed to refer her to a research librarian. Her questions were pretty easy, though. "Where do I find Girl Interrupted?" When I explained that it was in the non fiction section, she showed me her book list. She had to pick two books from a list. When we tried to find The Color Purple, all copies were checked out. I noticed that Rebecca was on her list. I told her it was one of my favorites. She told me she loved to read. It was a bit of a non-sequitur, but I was so excited to hear that from her. She said that she knew it wasn't cool to like to read, but she loved it. I was so surprised to hear this from anyone her age (probably 13), that I wasn't as enthusiastic as I should have been. She did take my recommendation to check out Rebecca. I hope she likes it.

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