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2003-04-10 - 10:03 p.m.

Here it is, Thursday night, and I'm sitting at home trying to stay warm. It's April! Why is it cold in the South? Rain I understand, but cold, nasty drizzle is more like January than any point after the spring time change.

Have I ranted about the time change yet? I love the result, more light in the evenings, but I HATE the adjustment. I'm still going to bed too late. It's 10:00 now, and I probably won't be in bed until 1:00. If I didn't have to be functional at work at 8:30 in the morning, it wouldn't be a very big deal. It will probably take me another week to be used to it.

This reminds me of the most brutal April daylight savings weekend I ever experienced. Two years ago, I was the president of the fraternity that I referred recently. We had our intiations up at our fraternity cabin (unfortunately destroyed by the Williams Fire last September.) Two years ago, we initiated an unprecedented 27 or so people at once. The process took hours. I was exhausted from keeping track of all these people and the emotional stress of the evening. Everything was finally done at 4:15 am. Imagine my dismay when I realized that it was actually 5:15 am because someone decided that would be the appropriate weekend to steal an hour from all Americans. I always get very grumpy when I realize that an hour of my life is about to be stolen from me, despite the fact that I get it back in October.

Well, I think that's about it for this bitching session. My roommate and I are planning a bar hop on Saturday night to celebrate her completion of the Biology GRE, so I anticipate fun stories to write.

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