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2003-04-09 - 10:33 a.m.

I've been slightly grumpy for a week now. I'm grumpy this morning because it's cloudy, I have a headache, and it's taking an amazing effort to convince myself that I need to go to work today. The sad thing is, if I did call in sick, I'd probably just sit around the house and read. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this, but I do it all the time. When considering playing hooky, it seems like a day at the beach would be in order.

This reminds me of the one time I skipped school in high school. I woke up on a spring morning my senior year and decided I couldn't face going to school. I was a good student, in a lot of AP classes, and that spring was a bit brutal with AP test prep. Having an unexcused absence meant that I wouldn't be exempt from my two non-AP finals, orchestra and pre-cal. I decided a day's break was worth it.

I left for school at the normal time, because although my father would have probably provided an excuse for me, I really and truly wanted to be truant. I picked up pastries at a local bakery then drove down to White Rock Lake in East Dallas. I sat there eating while the day warmed up. I went to the Dallas Museum of Art. I drove around downtown. I ate at a favorite restaurant. In general, I had a lovely day, nothing too special, just that it happened on a Wednesday rather than a Saturday.

I'd like to do that today, but I've been to the art museum recently, and it's a cold gloomy day. I'd better just go to work and get paid.

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