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2003-04-08 - 5:31 p.m.

Well, yet again I let my boring life prevent me from posting an entry.

Let's see, this weekend was fine. Highlights included dinner with the roommate's aunt and uncle on Saturday and making a huge pot of jambalaya on Sunday. We were treated to dinner at a prety nice place called Emily's in Beaufort. I had the tournedos, satisfying a long-held craving for steak. My roommate had fresh soft-shell crab, which was excellent too. Her relatives were charming liberals, so dinner conversation was fun. All in all, a very pleasant evening.

Sunday I spent most of the day cooking a double batch of jambalaya using my version of The Gumbo Shop's recipe. The Gumbo Shop is now a pretty touristy New Orleans French Quarter restaurant. Touristy or not, they've got a good jambalaya recipe. I was even able to find andouille sausage. I spent hours chopping vegetables and peeling shrimp. It made me realize that I want someone to pay me to cook without any of the pressure involved in restaurant kitchens. I don't necessarily want to serve anyone either. I just want to cook. Maybe I can get a job as a prep chef in a zoo where I don't have to worry about audience critique.

The only other thing that's taking up much of my brain space is a long convoluted story relating to the coed fraterity I belonged to in college. They got in trouble last year for two alcohol poisonings during rush week, a time when I wasn't very involved in the frat but I still lived in the area. Naturally the college sanctions were stiff, as it was a highly irresponsible and dangerous thing to let happen. I have remained on the email list, and I finally joined the fray when they were talking about dropping official ties to the college. It's an organization with an 82 year history, and these punks who are currently members want to throw that all away because tradition and history mean nothing to them. I feel like I'm some 75 year old bitching about the young kids these days and their lack of respect. I didn't care so much about the organization until I heard it might die, and now I'm just pissed off about what it's become. Aargh. My blood pressure is rising just thinking about it. I'm going to go have a glass of wine and stop fretting about things that aren't my concern anymore.

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