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2003-04-04 - 7:11 p.m.

I was intending to finish the influential book list that I started two nights ago, but I'm too brain dead. I hate how tired I am on Fridays. In fact, I'm just writing this so I don't feel bad about not posting something for several days. Tomorrow morning I have to work at the library, then we're going to have dinner with my roommate's aunt about 1 1/2 hours away. After that, I doubt I'll be writing.

I'm just worn down and bored with my life at the moment. Dinner with the aunt is currently the potential high point of the weekend. I don't want the weekend to end, but I doubt I'll do much with my time. Oh, wait. I got my hair cut yesterday in a radically different way, so I could make it a goal to do my hair different ways. Yep. Styling hair and eating dinner with someone else's relative. I'm just the paragon of excitment.

Hopefully I'll be able to report something better, come Sunday.

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