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April 28, 2003 - 12:04 a.m.

Wow. What a weekend this turned out to be. Although I wimped out Friday night, I got plenty of sleep and woke up feeling fine on Saturday. After making French toast (named after a man named "French", not the country, FYI), Inga and I went to the Sidewalk Arts Festival, where students from the local art college do pretty cool chalk art. Saturday evening, we went to a blues and barbeque festival at the railroad museum. They steamed the corn using steam from a steam engine. Talk about impressive! We ran into several groups of people that we knew, which was nice.

Today we had brunch at our favorite place, and during brunch, I kept noticing a loud booming sound. Someone in the restaurant mentioned cannons. Sure enough, they were firing off cannons in the park, and there were men dressed up as Confederate soldiers and women dressed in mourning, complete with hoop skirts and fabulous hats. It was a bit surreal. Apparently, yesterday was Georgia's celebration of Confederate Memorial Day. After that, we shopped a bit and spent several hours reading in a square. We met the Bird Man, a guy in a motorized wheelchair who feeds pidgeons. He came up to tell us some jokes. Random, but an interesting encounter with one of the eccentrics. Apparently, he was filmed in the movie The Fugitive feeding pigeons. He was a chatty guy.

This evening, we saw the movie Far From Heaven as part of a new series to bring independent and art movies to town. Then we gorged ourselves on sushi and came home to do arts and crafts while watching So I Married an Axe Murderer.

This has been a horribly boring entry, reminiscent of my travel journals from 9th grade. "We ate this at such-and-such restaurant. Then we walked here and there..." Oh well. It was a good weekend, and I wanted to make sure I catalogued the highlights just for myself. So much for writing for an audience. I'm tired, and I don't have the energy to be interesting.

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