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May 07, 2003 - 2:30 p.m.

I am in a rotten mood today. Last Friday, I agreed to work at the law office through the end of the summer. My grand plan had been to quit in June and try to find some other part time job until I started school again in September. The lawyer caught me at a weak moment, and I said I'd stick with this dumb job for the rest of the summer. It does pay well, and it usually holds a minimum of aggravations.

Today, though, I am aggravated. My immediate boss made it seem like we needed another employee to help with the medical malpractice cases, so she got a new hire for our team. Now I feel like my turf is being infringed upon. I will not work in any other position in this law office. Everything else makes me ill in principle. Med mals make me only slightly nauseated. I'm on the verge of doing something rash like quitting right now. There are other departments who need help far more than we do. I just don't know what the hell she's thinking, and I'm pissed off about it.

How's that for eloquence.

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