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2003-04-22 - 3:41 p.m.

I have a love-hate relationship with antibiotics. I love that they destroy infection, but I HATE how I feel while I'm taking them. It doesn't matter what kind of antibiotic. I always feel icky for the duration of dosage.

I've been sitting here at the law office trying to convince myself that I feel better than I do. When that fails, occasionally I moan. I would leave, but my lovely coworker decided not to come in today either. I bet she's hungover. (I never have decided the appropriate way to spell that. Two words or one?) Her boyfriend's birthday is today, and I bet anything they went out last night. Either that or she just told us she was sick to stay home with him. I don't really blame her - I've certainly used the fake sick excuse to do something fun. I just don't like it to fall on a day when I feel legitimately sick, causing me to sit here in agony, watching the time click by on my computer's clock...

I just had to deal with a flurry of phone calls. It's really hard to be friendly to people when you feel like crap and they're calling you about such petty things. Then you talk to people with serious problems, and it's really depressing, adding to general malaise.

I should stop screwing around and get back to work. The couch at home is screaming for me to come lie on it, though.

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