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2003-04-21 - 9:34 p.m.

I feel mighty crappy this evening. I'm the lucky recipient of a kidney infection. Fortunately, I slipped in to the doctor this afternoon, and I've started antibiotics. I still feel icky, though. And my left kidney isn't feeling too hot either.

I found out today that one of my friends in the DC area is going to be in Kentucky the weekend I was going to visit. I'm still not sure if I'm going up there. Did I mention this yet? I want to go up to DC the weekend of May 10 & 11 so that I can see This American Life live. I would theoretically hang out with my friend Chris, my friend Shaggy and my cousin Michael. Shaggy is the one who won't be in town, and I haven't seen him in almost 3 years due to his Peace Corps stint. Do I go up there to see Chris, Michael, and TAL? Do I wait for another weekend when I can see Chris, Michael and Shaggy? I don't have a freaking clue what to do. I want to be spontaneous and drop a bunch of money on a fun weekend, but I also want to be wise and prepare for the day when I quit the law office. Ugh. I just don't know.

I feel a fever creeping up again. I'm going to eat some pudding. That's a proven cure for fever, right?

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