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2003-04-20 - 10:12 p.m.

Happy Easter.

I miss my family. I had a good day here, but I wish I could have been in Texas with them. Holidays, however minor, make me feel like that. It's indicative of my lack of religion, I guess, that I consider Easter minor. I did cook salmon, artichokes and new potatoes for a picnic lunch on our living room floor for Inga and me today. We still don't have any dining room chairs, so a floor picnic seemed easier with the artichokes than trying to balance plates on our laps while peeling off leaves. It was fun. Then we dyed eggs. Ooh, speaking of eggs, I have Kinder Eggs arriving soon. I forgot about ordering them until Tuesday so they weren't part of our informal Easter celebration, but any day is a good day for Kinder Eggs. It's such a shame that the US Government has deemed them unsafe for small children and therefore unsuitable for sale in our country. Damned lawsuits.

Ugh. That makes me think of having to go to work tomorrow. I don't want to go. Sunday nights are so depressing, especially when you screw up plans to hang out with friends and watch good TV and instead are sitting at the computer in the dark writing to no one.

I'm going to bed.

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