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2003-04-17 - 10:10 p.m.

There's something a bit pathetic about me tonight. Perhaps it's because it's 10:00 on a Thursday, and I'm sitting at home when I actually had two invitations to do things tonight. My reasoning for not going out? a) I have to work in the morning. b) I should save money. c) If I go out, I'll drink, and today is a non-drinking day (I'm on a diet right now, so I'm limiting the booze intake.) All in all, it makes me feel like a loser. I'm the fat girl who's actually too afraid to go out by herself tonight and would rather drown her sorrows by reading a book about a fat, lonely single mother while eating fat-free pretzels with mustard. To top off the pathetic atmosphere, I just spent 15 minutes looking at chocolate online.

Aren't I just a barrel of sunshine?

There's really nothing that thrilling to report. I took a walk this afternoon. I did some goofy exercises that are supposed to reduce my butt size. I hate diets, but I would hate to go to the family wedding in June looking like I do now. Ugh. Perhaps I'll be happier once I see some results.

Since that won't happen now, I'll just go back to reading this book about the fat, lonely single mother. That should perk me right up.

After browsing around DiaryLand for a few minutes, I decided to see if there was something on the great big Internet that would cheer me up. I typed in Do you know what this gets you? A freaking drugstore. O woe is me.

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