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2003-04-01 - 9:05 p.m.

I used to be a step counter. Every time I'd walk up or down a staircase, I'd count the number of steps in it. I even did this when I was walking up the steps from the beach at 1000 Steps in Orange County, California. I would have counted them all, had a friend not asked me if I was counting. I had made the mistake of mentioning my weird obsession before, and my friends that remember enjoy harassing me about it.

This habit has been with me for years. One of the first times I remember being conscious of it was when I was 12. It probably existed before then. So, for a least half of my life, this condition has been with me.

Tonight, I realized that I haven't counted stairs in several months. Is this progress? Or have I lost one of my idiosyncrasies and am on my way to becoming an exceedingly boring person?

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